cart handling
Cart handling
Carts can be useful in several ways. Most importantly, carts provide a work platform for the order picker operator while moving merchandise into or out of a storage location. Significant productivity improvements can be achieved when carts are used correctly.
Bedding cart
Types of Carts
Two types of carts are required:
A 48” x 96” standard cart for the 60” aisles and a bedding cart, measuring 84” x 72”, for the 102” aisles.
It takes a few months to learn cart handling effectively. You will be more effective in cart handling if you are WMS based.
advantages of cart handling
Carts have several advantages over a fixed platform on each lift. The cart can be easily removed from the order picker and replaced with another cart, so the lift can work almost exclusively in the rack area. The lift does not go into the staging area to get merchandise. The merchandise is brought to the lift at the end of the aisles on the carts.
This significantly reduces order picker travel time; it reduces the number of aisle changes required each day (assuming operating methods include batch picking by aisle); and this in turn increases the amount of work that can be accomplished by the lift.
Carts can be rolled into a truck and loaded with merchandise — unlike a lift which can only be loaded after each item is carried individually out of the truck and staged (multiple handling). The standard carts can be equipped with a towing and coupling mechanism, so that several carts can be linked together and towed by a tug at one time. This increases the volume of product moved per trip by 300 percent and more.
standard cart